Stone Island flies the flag in the heart of Munich
New flagship store in Munich’s Perusastraße
Stone Island is flying the flag in the heart of Munich. In Perusastraße, the „brand for informal clothing with new aesthetic-functional style codes“, as the Italian fashion label belonging to the Moncler Group describes itself, has been presenting itself impressively on a sales area of 300 m² over three floors since 03 July 2023.

The shop was planned by the architectural office OMA / AMO, with Samir Bantal as its lead designer, while the Munich-based Gruschwitz GmbH was responsible for the interior design and project management. The interior fittings, shopfitting, windows and façade were the responsibility of ampia GmbH & Co. KG, Arredoquattro, Pubblisprint, Busnelli, Bamberger Natursteinwerk, Milak TWO in ONE Services GmbH and others.
The shop design reflects the functional aesthetics of the brand. From the outside, the plain stone façade is only broken up by the evenly spaced window openings. Inside, concrete, metal and clay are used as sustainable materials. Optimal illumination is provided by light rails.
On the ground floor, the current collection is presented on the so-called „Index“: This special stand consists of two elements that can be moved to the side and offers space for hanging and laying goods, just as needed. Illuminated displays impressively set the scene for the products on the shelves.
A wall made of dark, specially processed cork not only gives the room a rough character, but also pays homage to the high value placed on material innovation in Stone Island’s products. The machining process of the materiality is particularly acknowledged on another accent wall: On several screens integrated in front of a red background, sections of the process can be admired. Another highlight is the digital mannequin, which gives background information on certain goods.
A piece of designer furniture by Elvis Wesley serves as a special eye-catcher. This life-size aluminium case provides more or less insight into special individual pieces or whole collections, as required.
Stone Island’s new flagship store offers an innovative shopping experience without being overloaded. Function and aesthetics are skilfully balanced – this makes the brand a unique experience.
Mehr zu diesem Projekt
Stone Island
Perusastraße 2, 80333 Munich/Germany
Brand for informal clothing with new
aesthetic-functional style codes
Kunden mit Wunsch nach Individualität beim Interior Design
428 m²
Sales area
300 m²
Anzahl Etagen
4 (sales: 3 floors; warehouse/office: 1 floor)
13 Monate
Innenarchitektur, Projektsteuerung, Realisierung
Gruschwitz GmbH; Tizianstr. 53, 80638 München
Architekt, Planer
Director AMO, Samir Bantal
Samir Bantal, Mateusz Kiercz, Kael Fineout, Caterina Solini, Soichiro Osaki, Darya Zvereva
Marco Cappelletti, Courtesy of Stone Island and OMA / AMO